Junco's story
Junco is a little Paint horse born in March 2003. I bought him in the Outaouais in 2004, when he was one year old, on my parents; nearby farm.
At the time, I had moved my foal to my parents. We had bought hay from a nearby producer, who had made the hay on a rainy day. Having little knowledge of hay making, this did not alarm us, and our hay got hot in the barn. I gave this hay to my foal for a week, and he started coughing.
Junco's story
Junco is a little Paint horse born in March 2003. I bought him in the Outaouais in 2004, when he was one year old, on my parents; nearby farm.
At the time, I had moved my foal to my parents. We had bought hay from a nearby producer, who had made the hay on a rainy day. Having little knowledge of making hay, this did not alarm us and our hay got hot in the barn.
I gave this hay to my foal for a week and he started coughing.
His first major asthma attacks, accompanied by coughing and flanks straining to exhale air, manifested at age 4 at the end of autumn. He received a first injection of long-acting cortisone. His situation improved slightly, but for several years, episodes of Breath as well as seizures appeared in the spring and fall.
Around the age of 8, a spring was more difficult. The seizures did not subside, and my horse was breathing almost chronically. There followed a period when the hay had to be systematically wetted to stabilize Junco's breathing. However, being in pension, this task increased the workload for the owners of the stable. The technique of a barrel filled with hay and water which emptied was used more or less regularly through negotiations when Junco coughed too much.
I spent a lot of energy finding solutions. Syrups, herbs to add to his feed, find my own farm to wet his hay. A perpetual puzzle! Each departure from the stable gave me the impression of not doing everything I could for my horse.
Junco finally moved to the Laitoibleu stable in March 2014 for his 11th birthday. I was trying this stable, having heard good comments for their use of a special hay with asthmatic horses.
To my great relief (I didn't dare to hope too much, for fear of being disappointed), he had no asthma attacks that spring, no more than the following summer or fall…
Improved respiratory health by 300%, Nutri-Foin helps control asthma and maintain respiratory health. It is certain that he will remain a fragile horse in terms of his bronchial tubes, but he has found a quality of hay that suits him. The other boarders are always surprised when I tell them that my horse has asthma.
Thanks to Nutri-Foin, I see the future with more optimism for Junco.
Long live Junco and Nutri-Foin! Hoping that other horses can also benefit from its benefits.